- Ruby via Ruby on Rails (3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) and Sinatra
- Go
- Elixir and Phoenix
- JavaScript (ES5 and ES2015+) and CoffeeScript
- React and VueJS, also some Ember
- SQL with PostgreSQL and MySQL
- Redis including Resque and Sidekiq
- DCVS with Git and GitHub/GitLab
- Grunt/Gulp/Bower/NPM and a bit of Webpack
- TDD and BDD with RSpec, Minitest, and ExUnit
- HTML5 and CSS3
- SASS with Bourbon/Neat, Bulma, and Bootstrap
- Static sites with Jekyll and GatsbyJS
- Chatops via Hubot, Lita, and Hedwig
- Heroku
- AWS (mostly S3, EC2, Route53, and CloudFront)
- Ionic (1.x) using AngularJS (1.x)
- Wordpress